
All posts tagged harryspaniel

I’ve got to say my bit

Published April 9, 2014 by Bellisimobella1


Ok so if you know me n I mean really know me you know how sensetif I can be and how it’s taken a while wiv da support of sum gweat fwends to get to da stage where I push the send instead of delete button on tweets, pics n blogs, well dis blog been hanging awound fur a while in different forms and today is the day im pushing publish!


I luvs bein on twitter n haf had gweat fun n met sum gweat fwends sum of which I hopin are gonna be fwends fur life but I has also met sum oddbods n dats fine cos takes all sorts to make da wurld go round n I am not judgemental & we is all on twitter fur different reasons

I do twy n be polite even wen bein cheeky an I rarely swear more than the occasional blinkinbonios of furflyingfurssake n dat has helped me meet n tweet sum gweat tweepals

I’m involved wif a few fings fru twitter n I dus enjoy em n it gifts me sumfink to do wen da weathers so poopy I can’t be out layin in da sun and one of em is agony aunt at www.spanielharry.co.uk although I gets most of da #askbella as dms or private messages on facebook but dats fine as long as I can help it not matter where it is.


There has been few fings goin on wif twitter lately and I feel I wants to speak up a bit sum peeps is leaving through bullying and nasty DMs , now sum of you who are lucky enuf not to have been through this type of bullying will think its easy to just block and report but it’s not that simple.


There seems to be a new sort of bullying on twitter as well as the traditional nasty spiteful bullying there’s emotional bullying going on,now this comes in many forms and I wanna tell you about wot happened wif me to hopefully help others realise they are not alone.

Some of you that have known me since I have been on here know the problems I had with somebody last year, they were new to twitter (allegedly I know now its just what they do) and they wanted to make friends and be involved so I introduced him to some of my friends and we all went out of our way to make him feel welcome. Sometimes I would be tweeting and he would jump in on the tweet and make a comment that I though ouch that was nasty but then he would say he was joking, there were dms why aren’t you tweeting with me you made my mum cry we love you so much and others would get fed up with it but I thought at the time they were a friend, so I would end up tweeting them more than anyone then if I didn’t reply to a tweet quick enough I would be accused of ignoring and he would tweet I’m going nobody’s tweeting wif me or things like that and then we would all say nooo don’t go, it got to the point where I was dreading tweeting as they would jump on every tweet and niggle at me sometimes I felt uncomfortable but thought it was just because he was lonely but then it was happening more and more the end came one day when yet again I was trying to repair a friendship that he had messed up again and I got a very nasty tweet telling me I was his friend and shouldn’t tweet that person that was it I couldn’t take anymore so I blocked and walked away , that took a lot for me and I still worried about how he was and how he was getting on, little did I know he was using it to his advantage to get attention.


 There was lots more to it but this is just so you get the gist of it as I was so caught up in it at the time I didn’t see what was going on as he was saying I love you, you are my twitter sister you help me so much I miss you and was very good at turning it around so that I felt bad, friends used to tell me to get away from him that he was toxic but I really thought I was being a friend.

When I eventually spoke up it turned out it had been happening with a few others too and he would constantly close his account and reopen it and say people were being nasty to him but it was him being manipulative and trying to get attention.


My friends helped me get through it and gradually built my confidence up again , I’m still wary when I meet new tweeters as you never really know whats going on behind the screen we all tweet for different reasons I am fortunate that I know who my real friends are and I know I can turn to them and they can come to me I don’t like seeing people having to close their accounts and leave because of somebody else.


Sumone I spoke to at da time who also went fru it said “dont let it put you off tweeting with new tweeters.  We all know what it is like to be new and to try and make friends.  Just tweet as normal and if you think that something isn’t adding up or not sounding right dm a few of your friends to see what they think.  I don’t want what happened to my friend put anyone off tweeting with someone new as they won’t all be like that”

Dis a quote from anuvfur fwend “I luvs twitter and got many good friends but don’t like it wen a friend gets a bit possessive  if I tweeting and don’t get to tweet with dem every time I pop in. I come on twitter to have fun and chat mostly about silly fings like mum being mean or not getting de treats I fink I deserve.It’s fun on twitter but not wen I’m frightened to tweet who I want to in case I get de dreaded DM saying “Aren’t you my friend any more cos you tweeting others more dan me” why can’t everyone just be niceSum of us dus haf uvfur fings to do away fwom twitter so please don’t give us a hard time fur not being awound or if we don’t get straight back to you.”

Twitter is meant to be fun but lately I been finkin blimey if its dis stressful fur us dogs wot must it be like fur hoomans


Sumtimes peeps send messages sayin why you  ignoring me, I pawsunally don’t ignore tweets and I don’t fink any of my fwends do but I do know tweets get lost sumtimes and the more you follow or follow you it’s hard to try n keep up so if you tweeted Sumone n see em tweetin n they not replied jus DM em if it was urgent sayin did you see my tweet earlier, tis bit better than accusing Sumone of ignoring you, da uvfur day I was waitin fur a reply from my fwend and it hadn’t shown up but wen I looked at her tl there it was she had replied and anuvfur time she hadn’t replied cos she had got called away, we don’t always say goodbye or like to announce we are going out that’s the fun of twitter you pop on and off wen you can .

Unuvfer fing dat causes unrest is if fwends fall out, dats it THEY has fallen out. Fallen out wif each uvfur  doesn’t mean evryone else gotta fallout or take sides . Jus cos jack don’t tweet wif Jill don’t mean you gotta be friends wif one or the other if you has an opinion on it or wanna support em do it via DM not on tl so many peeps get hurt n peeps not directly involved get upset n are so worried about tweeting wif either of em they don’t tweet.

Dats it I’ve said my peace, if you wondering why I’m speaking out about these fings its cos as #askbella I get to hear all sorts from all sides and at moment I am getting messages about peeps worrying wots goin on  .

Ohhhhh and take photo of the dms if you start to get nasties.

I am glad I stayed cos so many gweat fings has happened ovfur da year so lets end on a happy note haf you seen dis munfs cartoon and I am off to go test sum vewy yummy tweats fur squiggle and do some more woofstockuk bits



im gonna do a follow up to dis so if you has anyfink you wanna add or wanna share your experiences get in touch wif me

Where has da time gone (again)

Published November 25, 2013 by Bellisimobella1

Well lots has been happening since I last blogged n it not all good my life has changed so much and I has felt lost fur a while but I’m starting to feel bit like me again.dogs (493) First off my kitty sisfur Pebbles, was hit by a nasty car and her injuries was so bad she not make it, many of you knows I finks of da kitty sisfurs as my babies cos I founded em n I luved em fwom da minute they lived wif us, kitty sisfur Blade was so sad n wandered awound garden yowling and calling pebbles was so sad n upsetting to hear but she has settled down again and seems to be enjoying being an only kitty. Not long after Pebbles went OTRB grumpy bruv did haf anuvfur turn , he used to haf vestibular fingy http://vestibular.org/sites/default/files/page_files/Vestibular%20disease%20in%20dogs%20and%20cats.pdf and he not get better from dis last one me n mum was wif him 24/7 takin care of him but he had enuff so da vet did come n send him to go take care of Pebbles. We didn’t realize how much every fink been revolving awound grumpy da last few munfs and its been so vewy hard wif out him he been my big bruvfur since da day I awwived here n he always been here so I was feeling vewy lost but sum vewy Gud fwends has been helpin put me back together again and although I miss him evfurryday I am makin routines wif out him n I spending more time sorting out dat pickle baby bruvfur.on da good side there’s 4bacon sticks in da pack used to be one each now if 1 and bit so I gets bit extra bacon stick.image Now fur sum gud bits dat has been happening. image

 I has been picking toys to go in Bella’s pink bits department of hawwys hemporium dats been big big fun and I has been playin wif sum of hawwys new toys.DSCN8052 (2)
Every munf hawwy dus donate a percentage fwom every sale to different causes and fur November and December he is donating to http://www.ddawatch.co.ukimage
I been doin my bit to help em too When we shops online we goes fru http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/raise-more/referrals/
And look we has jus gone ovfur £100 it costs nufink and takes a extra few seconds to shop going fru them if you sign up fru dis link once you raise £10 they add nuvfur £5 fru my account to DDA .
We normally uses quidco cos dats gweat fur cash back but sumtimes quidco not doin certain stores or da rate not much so we goes easy fundraising, livin in da country we dus a lot of online shopping cos there’s no big name stores awound here.
Hawwy also started #freetoyfriday and if you places your order on a Friday he gives you one of his balls if you is a dog or a cat toy if you is a cat.
He just found new supplier fur lickle furries so bunnys n hammys be able to buy fwom him soon too at moment cocoa n flash  is test driving one of hawwys balls fur him.
Also Hawwy met Helen aka Scotty cartoons and along wif Angel (@angelthefurball)we has been turned into cartoon characters it’s bwilliant hawwy tells her wot we been up to and she puts it in pictures she’s vewy clevfur.
Dis is da furst two and da cwistmas one comin soon
I got luvly supwise in my inbox da uvfurday my luvly fwend angel (@angelgood ) I know I is vewy lucky I has got two vewy good fwends who is angels, had asked Erica (@allthingsdoggy) to do a picture of me to cheer me up , I loves it fankyoooo both so much. I knew Erica made sum bootiful collars and had luvly webshop but I didn’t know she cud draw too and now I sees she is makin pawsunalised cwistmas sacks too so if you wants sumfink bit speshul fur cwistmas go see Erica.
I really am twyin to get in cwistmas spirit n I got my cwistmas #staffyknit fwom @nightowl400 and I luvs it , me ,Angel n Kevin  was talkin in summer how we wud like cwistmas one and finkin of designs n I fink mummy owl has dun us proud wif these and no sooner had I got mine da bruvs wanted one but as you know baby bruv a bit of a pickle so he not got angel on top of his twee he gots a lickle devil.
My fwends Hollie n Boo gots em too and Kevin’s nephew Wayne we luvs our #staffyknits and Owly donates to charity too from da sales she’s luvly I luvs Owly
I has got my cwistmas stocking I gots it fwom luvly auntie Ninna at woofbed oh has I told you bout my new bed I gots new bed fwom woofbed we been lookin at em fur ages but cos they only did red n blue I not get one I dunno if you know but I luv pink anyways tadaaaaaaa pink woofbed only prob it so comfy everyone wants to be on it I Savin up my dog money to get one fur da bruvs so I can haf mine to myself,image DSCN8090 DSCN8114 (2) sowwy got distracted there yep I has got my PINK cwistmas stocking and I luvs it , I fink I gonna keep it out all year round cos tis nice n soft. I hasn’t checked yet how many bacon sticks I can get in it.
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So there’s bit if a catch up I wanna say fankyoooo so much to my fwends who has been supporting me fru da last couple if munfs n to sum vewy speshul ladies who been helpin me get mum fru dis too. I’m hoping go be getting back on track now and catch up wif fings like T wif Bella and da blogs and I has got my 10th birfday comin soon so I needs to keep an eye out fur a new outfit.I if I twy n get sumfink pink.
Hope you is all ok sending you all big hugsimage
Oh n I be doin my first judging competishun lookyyyyyyy

What Twitter means to me

Published September 16, 2013 by Bellisimobella1


What twitter means to me ……………


I am not allowed to enter Harry’s competishun as his unofficial PA, it wouldn’t be unfair to put him in an awkward position and if I was the only person who entered I and won then it would be called a fix.


I hope a lot of people enter Harry’s comp as not a lot realise how much time and effort he puts in trying to help others all the time, some thought his mugs were a novelty item but a portion from each mug goes to charity and this comp will end up costing him money if nobody enters and knowing hawwy he will probably still donate to charity ,so I’m going to write wot twitter means to me anyway.



Twitter means so much to me its hard to put it into words but sometimes I wish I could really step into twitter and be running awound wif da fwends I haf made and da family I has gained.

Wen I first started on twitter last November I wasn’t sure if it was for me but I met some gweat fwends  some of whom I’m proud to say are still friends and some thank dog aren’t friends anymore, sadly some haf gone OTRB.

When I met squiggle and hawwy lickle did I know I would end up wurkin wif them and hafin two of da bestest fwends I cud evfur wish for.

I haf got sum Luvly fwends sum I tweet wif evfurryday and sum I tweet to occasionally and sum I know even thou we not tweet vewy often they wud be there if I needed them.

Recently one of our twitter pals died suddenly and it upset so many of us so much but if you tried to explain to someone not on twitter you were heartbroken over the death of a dog you had never met they would think you were mad , but as a friend said to me recently its real life but its not real life, its alternative wurld we haf created for ourselves and we escape into .

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We have our own twitter friendships and families and we have our ups and downs and sometimes some numpties will come along and try to cause problems and that’s not nice but what it has done is show us who our real friends are and who we can rely on .



So I would like to say thank you to my followers old and new thank you for following me and tweeting wif me , sum still don’t believe I’m shy but I am until I get to know sumone an after fings dat happened here in d dat wif numpties I’m sumtimes bit wary.


To my speshul fwends and you know who you are fankyou for always being there for me and encouraging me in every fink I do , I luvs you vewy much and am grateful fur each day you are in my life .



Twitter has made me more aware of things like the moon bears ,(thankyou hawwy) dog meat trade (thankyou hawwy) animal cruelty (thankyou Alfie & alfies army) DDA and gweat work they do (fanks mookie) and how hard rescue centers work for every single animal and try to do all they can for them how individuals like kris at aniaid will do everything they can to help a dog or cat they have just come across , how someone like nightowls mum will invent something wonderful like the staffyknit to keep us all warm there’s so much more I cud write and fings I cud menshun like how gweat Charlie& dereks mum was in creating a bacon tweat after I kept nagging and how Samantha at waggy campers made me  a pink alfies law banana and how pooch & co give gweat advice on food,  I haf so much more I cud say about what twitter means to me but I as an appointment wif Sumone to intervoo for da blog and if I not get it done Squiggle be chasin my tail and Hawwy needs a new poster for da comp cos he has extended the closing date so please check out www.spanielharry.co.uk for competition details IMG_0087photo

gosh where has da time gone

Published August 22, 2013 by Bellisimobella1

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hello I hope you has been hafin a good summer, I jus popped onto here to check sumfink and I couldn’t believe I haven’t blogged since june so I have decided to update fings , I seems to get caught up in fings and forget about my blog but Im going to try and get back into it at least once amonth if anyone is still bothering to read it.
its been busy here at bellapalace granma keeps coming to stay and I luvs my granma I really do shes so easy to get tweats from but she dus distrupt my routine, she doesn’t understand technology so doesn’t understand I haf anuvur busy life in twitterland and she gets fed up wif my squeaky toys and you all know how I love my squeaky toys .


There has been few good fings and one bad fing happen dis past few weeks da bad fing was a luverly twitter fwend Mollie, @westiedoggy did die suddenly it has weally shocked twitter and we all miss her so much. We set up a memorial page on www.bellaandsquiggle.wordpress.com and you can still add a message if you want, the page will be open furevfur.




sumfink weally weally xcitin happened I luvs tweats as you know and I fort was time I twy sum fwom my twitter fwends @Charlie__Derek they has a website  charlieandderekdogtreats.co.uk and I luved em , so did grumpy bruv who is soooooooooooooooo fussy they are gweat and ideal size for training too . We was tweetin oneday and they gave me da gweat news as I was dwivin em mad about bacon (and everyone else I expect) their mum was inspired to create bacon, cheese and egg tweats, as you can imagine I was ecstatic, they sent me and my fwend @MistyTheCollie and a few uvfur secwet testers sum to twy n Misty will tell you she doesn’t eat bacon, well I has seen the video and she loved dem tweats, and they are now available on their website to buy permanently  http://www.charlieandderekdogtreats.co.uk/healthy-home-made-dog-biscuits/bacon-egge-cheese-noms.aspx?lt=1  Misty has a tweat she inspired too in the healthy wheat free range http://www.charlieandderekdogtreats.co.uk/107/mint-bean-chompers.aspx?lt=1 then the uvfur week they created a hamper wif our favrites in and would make a gweat pressie for any pooch and da mummy might like da basket to keep afterwards, theres Bellas bonanza basket  http://www.charlieandderekdogtreats.co.uk/healthy-reward-treats-for-dogs/bella-bonanza-basket.aspx?lt=1   and Mistys munchables http://www.charlieandderekdogtreats.co.uk/healthy-reward-treats-for-dogs/misty-munchables.aspx?lt=1 the tweats last fur ages if you put em in an airtight container and really are good value I really can recommend them.


Anuvfur xcitin fing dat happened was I won a book on @PoochAndCo facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PoochandCompany?fref=ts when they first told me I didn’t believe it , I not won anyfink before. tis a gweat book and has so much in it , tis called Eco dog, tis good book  dis is what they say about it ECO Dog is the ultimate guide to healthy, earth-friendly dog care. It features up-to-the-minute advice on non-toxic grooming, feeding…, health care, and household furnishings that are safe for dogs,if you are on facebook tis wurf looking at their facebook page .

I am a fan of pooch & co as they are always helpful wif feeding advice and  will send you a sample to try .


baby bruv had a look fru it n found sum tweat recipes but we not letting him haf a go

Then last week sumfink else happened my twitter fwend Archie, @TheDog_Tate his mini hoomin Gemma, did draw a pic of me and I luvs it so much I has to share it wif you


I fink she is so clevfur , da first pic I saw of hers was of @spanielharry in his pink hat then she did a couple of others I think she is vewy talented.


few uvfur bits been goin on but dats da main bits then this is da BIG ONE , one day me n Hawwy were talking and next fing I know these are really happening


yep I am now on a mug and its pink you can buy them fwom Harrys shop


each mug comes wif a lickle bag of Charlie & dereks tweats in them

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OKEYDOKEY that’s sum of the fings I has been up to , oh I got a new uniform fwom www.kind4k9.co.uk fur wen Im doing my pink testing and I love it you can read about it here on me and Squiggle blog which is every Wednesday  http://bellaandsquiggle.wordpress.com/2013/07/17/bellisimobella1-and-squiggggledog-get-a-new-uniform-from-kind4k9/ and we still have @ericmcbrug in charge of birfdays so please tweet him wif your birfday

ps I has not been bribed or paid to say any of dis stuff but I am open to bribes if you wants me to revoo anyfink

oh and I surprised everyone I got up on da wall and had a lickle wander , not so easy getting down , haf a gweat day , I hope somebody is readin dis


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Bit about my Itchy Bruvfur and update on wot I been up to

Published April 19, 2013 by Bellisimobella1

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Hello Evfurryone,
I’ve not had chance to blog fur ages so much goin on at moment been doin da blog wif squiggle www.bellaandsquiggle.wordpress.com and doing couple of askbella speshuls wif hawwy at www.spanielharry.co.uk.3ae1ae990af7f6a286bf2d7940fb5c8e

The biggest fing that happened recently though was a met a vewy new speshul twitter fwend called Shilton. You can read about her and how hawwy n I twied to help her here http://spanielharry.wordpress.com/2013/04/15/she-not-like-to-beg-but-can-yoo-help-save-her-leg/comment-page-1/#comment-223 She really touched a nerve wif me cos I was found dumped on a motorway , I was luckier than Shilton and my only issues from it is a fear or black sacks & cars.They tried everything they could but I jus get in such a state in the car now I jus go in it in an emergency. We are lucky where we live I jus go thru the gate n I have fields n woodland to run in and da farmer only lets a Few of us in there so tis safe.

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Sowwy, got distracted again, anyways at da time of writing dis Shilton has had her leg removed and is now on her recovery journey, she was getting around fine before on 3 legs, there’s a video on the Facebook page , so it’s just a case of her healing , so my new fwend if somebody’s reading this to you , get well soon and send me some pics as soon as you are up and about again.

                                                         Right ,well recently I has lots of people askin about my Itchy bruvfur n how he got his name n why hes itchy.dogs (614)

When we got itchy he was part of an ‘accidental ‘ litter and needed a home asap , he was a lurcher x Doberman so mum n dad knew he was gonna get big but I didn’t so I started teaching him wresting n everyfink from day 1 , didn’t realise he was gonna end up a 52 kil big cuddly teddy bear who still wants to sit on laps. Heres a few cute puppy pics of him.

frame (509) frame (510) frame (513) frame (515) frame (546) frame (553) frame (567)frame (586)He was such a cute puppy and was easy to train he was amazing mum kept saying he was the perfik dog n I was so close to him, he fort I was da perfik sisfur I did look after him n we is inseperable, we is often seen holding paws, hes a vewy vewy cuddly boy.

When he was bout 3 things changed he started to haf problems wif his ears so he went to the vets and was constantly being treated for ear infections then he started itching a lot and the blamed it on his ears and it was a viscous circle , one day a blood test came back bit different so they did further tests and discovered he had thyroid problems so he was put on daily tablets for that and has to have regular blood test to monitor and his tablets are regularly updated .

Then about 2 years ago he started having fits, of course by the time he was at the vets the fits had stopped so mum had to try and video them , she also got to know the tell tale signs and knew when one was coming . We had to keep records of when they happened and how long they lasted etc but they started happening more frequently and it was getting dangerous when he was coming round from them as he was disorientated and it was scary if he had one outside , then he would  be really out of it for a few hours and in time we built up a record of what sort of fit , how long and there was no pattern to it other than he was sick before hand .

He wasn’t happy, he had always been such a happy dog & so cuddly but as stupid as it sounds he was depressed.  So back to the vets, again it seemed as though he was going there every week,  they thought it might be a brain tumour or epilepsy and needed to investigate. with him already being on medication for his thyroid its always been tricky if he needs medication for anything but with his itching and thyroid  something had to be done. The choices were try him on anti fitting tablets to see if the fits stopped or have an MRI to see if he had a brain tumour after  talking to a few friends who had been through this with their dogs they went with the anti fitting tablets and we are happy to say 2 1/2 years or no fits but he is still itching a lot.

He has had tests to see what he is allergic to and we have now got a list of what he can and cant eat

Woody Can Eat






Goats milk



 Woody cant eat









Our food has been changed so that theres no mistakes and we are now on raw chicky as our main diet, I love it so much that if they dare twy to give me normal dog food, I sit n grunt at my bowl and as soon as I see they haf noticed I turn my back so they know Im not happy , I would rather go hungry than eat ‘normal’ dog food now *whispers* mum says our poo poos is much better now too.

He had his ears deep cleaned recently as they had got so bad but it dint seem to make much difference, sometimes they feel its a never ending circle and that there is no answer for him but for today he’s laying in the sun and happy and not itching.

He also has allergies to dustmites, certain things in the garden, storage thingys and a few other bits so we haf to do all we can to twy n things under control but then he gets a flare up, at the moment hes really itchy so he has to haf socks on to stop him chewin his feet raw, he still gets the odd nibble in and we are waiting for the latest ‘wonder’ anti itching cream to arrive to help him. so that’s why I calls him ITCHY, we rarely call him by his real name . My grumpy bruvfur has picked up on wen mum makes a certain noise itchy is chewing and he growls n barks at him to stop so if mum doesn’t notice he is doing Grumpy bruv is on guard. He is on several tablets a day and its not cheap but he is still with us, he’s happy and he’s not fitting. He has to have blood tests every 3 months and if he needs medication for anything it has to be worked out as they don’t like mixing too many other things with what he’s already on, recently they would of liked to give him steroids but went down another route because of his medication.

There’s sumfink about itchy when he looks at you he really looks at you, some people who haf met him say he’s got an old soul or he’s been here before, Sometimes I say he’s a bit thick but he’s not really he jus lives in his own lickle world.

Next time I will introduce you to Grumpy bruvfur .


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itchy laffin at hawwys book & in our favourite spot

I been keepin quiet wiv a secwet ……..Exciting changes

Published February 15, 2013 by Bellisimobella1

DSCN9941Wow I hasnt stopped. Furst off fankyoo all fur da DM’s , emails,comments etc after my last blog and fur asking how mums hand is after she burneded it da uverday, shes doin ok, got masive blister n tis all bandaged, service is a bit slow round here at moment but shes getting faster wiv her left hand!

I dont know if you know but I duz love pink, n my bestfwend who I did meet on twitter Squiggle (@squiggledog) happens to be in charge of imagemy favrite online shop
http://www.kind4k9.co.uk. I has been buying fwom them fur ages cos they is a family run business n are independent which means you get xcellent service cos they really care about their customers not like some of the big companies, just look how many followers @kind4k9 and @squiggledog have on twitter and most of them are happy customers that have now become fwends.

Squiggle n me did bond instantly n we has such a laff she did supwise me oneday wen she was intervooed by our fwend @spanielharry and gave me a job.


I do test pink fings fur www.kind4k9.co.uk and let em know wot I fink and how I get on wiv em, I has got 3 bruvfurs so they gets rigorus testing and contary to popular belief I am quite fussy.I am really xcited dat they have just got in some Octypusses in dat I had been testing.image
Me n Squiggle has set up our own #doggybloggy dat we do as part of #woofwoofwednesday its here www.bellaandsquiggle.wordpress.com/ We sumtimes do intervoos n speshul offers at www.kind4k9.co.uk  wen squiggle hacks into da puter, n we has picfurs . We has only been doin it 3 weeks but tis fun and we is enjoyin doin it togver.

My bestie Squiggle

My bestie Squiggle

Ok I haz been keepin a secwet fur a few weeks n Hawwy did send my sum tweats to keep quiet but I hav finished em now n I cant keep quiet any longer, I haz got a 2nd job now.

My new Boss

My new Boss

My uver job, and dis is the first announcement is my uvfur fwend Hawwy @spanielharry is launching his vewy own website next week , I not gonna go into too much detail cos its Hawwys website n he will wanna tell you all about it himself, but I has a job there . I iz gonna be an agony aunt . Tis gonna be called Ask Bella, you can ask me anyfink n I will do my best to answer in my own speshul way and if I dont know da ansa I will point you in da right directshun. Sum of you has seen picfurs of me floatin around in my luvly pink hat, well dats wot da picfurs were for so I looked a bit more pawfeshunal.

bella 045

I am weally xcited about wurkin fur Hawwy n ansawerin pwoblems or givin advice his website goes live on 19th february at www.spanielharry.co.uk

If yoo wants to email me wiv yor queshions its askbella@spanielharry.co.uk da email isnt workin until 19th and I will twy to reply to em as soon as I can.

Im lookin forward to getting your emails. you can even email me just to say woof if yoo wants ,

I luvs gettin emails,comments, tweets etc fwom my peeppals and anipals.


hadmade items as unique as you

Angel the Furball

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Bella and Squiggle

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Bella's Blog

Bella my life & thoughts

Spaniel Harry

Author of Help my Dog's on Twitter