
All posts tagged dorset

I’ve got to say my bit

Published April 9, 2014 by Bellisimobella1


Ok so if you know me n I mean really know me you know how sensetif I can be and how it’s taken a while wiv da support of sum gweat fwends to get to da stage where I push the send instead of delete button on tweets, pics n blogs, well dis blog been hanging awound fur a while in different forms and today is the day im pushing publish!


I luvs bein on twitter n haf had gweat fun n met sum gweat fwends sum of which I hopin are gonna be fwends fur life but I has also met sum oddbods n dats fine cos takes all sorts to make da wurld go round n I am not judgemental & we is all on twitter fur different reasons

I do twy n be polite even wen bein cheeky an I rarely swear more than the occasional blinkinbonios of furflyingfurssake n dat has helped me meet n tweet sum gweat tweepals

I’m involved wif a few fings fru twitter n I dus enjoy em n it gifts me sumfink to do wen da weathers so poopy I can’t be out layin in da sun and one of em is agony aunt at although I gets most of da #askbella as dms or private messages on facebook but dats fine as long as I can help it not matter where it is.


There has been few fings goin on wif twitter lately and I feel I wants to speak up a bit sum peeps is leaving through bullying and nasty DMs , now sum of you who are lucky enuf not to have been through this type of bullying will think its easy to just block and report but it’s not that simple.


There seems to be a new sort of bullying on twitter as well as the traditional nasty spiteful bullying there’s emotional bullying going on,now this comes in many forms and I wanna tell you about wot happened wif me to hopefully help others realise they are not alone.

Some of you that have known me since I have been on here know the problems I had with somebody last year, they were new to twitter (allegedly I know now its just what they do) and they wanted to make friends and be involved so I introduced him to some of my friends and we all went out of our way to make him feel welcome. Sometimes I would be tweeting and he would jump in on the tweet and make a comment that I though ouch that was nasty but then he would say he was joking, there were dms why aren’t you tweeting with me you made my mum cry we love you so much and others would get fed up with it but I thought at the time they were a friend, so I would end up tweeting them more than anyone then if I didn’t reply to a tweet quick enough I would be accused of ignoring and he would tweet I’m going nobody’s tweeting wif me or things like that and then we would all say nooo don’t go, it got to the point where I was dreading tweeting as they would jump on every tweet and niggle at me sometimes I felt uncomfortable but thought it was just because he was lonely but then it was happening more and more the end came one day when yet again I was trying to repair a friendship that he had messed up again and I got a very nasty tweet telling me I was his friend and shouldn’t tweet that person that was it I couldn’t take anymore so I blocked and walked away , that took a lot for me and I still worried about how he was and how he was getting on, little did I know he was using it to his advantage to get attention.


 There was lots more to it but this is just so you get the gist of it as I was so caught up in it at the time I didn’t see what was going on as he was saying I love you, you are my twitter sister you help me so much I miss you and was very good at turning it around so that I felt bad, friends used to tell me to get away from him that he was toxic but I really thought I was being a friend.

When I eventually spoke up it turned out it had been happening with a few others too and he would constantly close his account and reopen it and say people were being nasty to him but it was him being manipulative and trying to get attention.


My friends helped me get through it and gradually built my confidence up again , I’m still wary when I meet new tweeters as you never really know whats going on behind the screen we all tweet for different reasons I am fortunate that I know who my real friends are and I know I can turn to them and they can come to me I don’t like seeing people having to close their accounts and leave because of somebody else.


Sumone I spoke to at da time who also went fru it said “dont let it put you off tweeting with new tweeters.  We all know what it is like to be new and to try and make friends.  Just tweet as normal and if you think that something isn’t adding up or not sounding right dm a few of your friends to see what they think.  I don’t want what happened to my friend put anyone off tweeting with someone new as they won’t all be like that”

Dis a quote from anuvfur fwend “I luvs twitter and got many good friends but don’t like it wen a friend gets a bit possessive  if I tweeting and don’t get to tweet with dem every time I pop in. I come on twitter to have fun and chat mostly about silly fings like mum being mean or not getting de treats I fink I deserve.It’s fun on twitter but not wen I’m frightened to tweet who I want to in case I get de dreaded DM saying “Aren’t you my friend any more cos you tweeting others more dan me” why can’t everyone just be niceSum of us dus haf uvfur fings to do away fwom twitter so please don’t give us a hard time fur not being awound or if we don’t get straight back to you.”

Twitter is meant to be fun but lately I been finkin blimey if its dis stressful fur us dogs wot must it be like fur hoomans


Sumtimes peeps send messages sayin why you  ignoring me, I pawsunally don’t ignore tweets and I don’t fink any of my fwends do but I do know tweets get lost sumtimes and the more you follow or follow you it’s hard to try n keep up so if you tweeted Sumone n see em tweetin n they not replied jus DM em if it was urgent sayin did you see my tweet earlier, tis bit better than accusing Sumone of ignoring you, da uvfur day I was waitin fur a reply from my fwend and it hadn’t shown up but wen I looked at her tl there it was she had replied and anuvfur time she hadn’t replied cos she had got called away, we don’t always say goodbye or like to announce we are going out that’s the fun of twitter you pop on and off wen you can .

Unuvfer fing dat causes unrest is if fwends fall out, dats it THEY has fallen out. Fallen out wif each uvfur  doesn’t mean evryone else gotta fallout or take sides . Jus cos jack don’t tweet wif Jill don’t mean you gotta be friends wif one or the other if you has an opinion on it or wanna support em do it via DM not on tl so many peeps get hurt n peeps not directly involved get upset n are so worried about tweeting wif either of em they don’t tweet.

Dats it I’ve said my peace, if you wondering why I’m speaking out about these fings its cos as #askbella I get to hear all sorts from all sides and at moment I am getting messages about peeps worrying wots goin on  .

Ohhhhh and take photo of the dms if you start to get nasties.

I am glad I stayed cos so many gweat fings has happened ovfur da year so lets end on a happy note haf you seen dis munfs cartoon and I am off to go test sum vewy yummy tweats fur squiggle and do some more woofstockuk bits



im gonna do a follow up to dis so if you has anyfink you wanna add or wanna share your experiences get in touch wif me


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