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Bit about my Itchy Bruvfur and update on wot I been up to

Published April 19, 2013 by Bellisimobella1

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Hello Evfurryone,
I’ve not had chance to blog fur ages so much goin on at moment been doin da blog wif squiggle and doing couple of askbella speshuls wif hawwy at

The biggest fing that happened recently though was a met a vewy new speshul twitter fwend called Shilton. You can read about her and how hawwy n I twied to help her here She really touched a nerve wif me cos I was found dumped on a motorway , I was luckier than Shilton and my only issues from it is a fear or black sacks & cars.They tried everything they could but I jus get in such a state in the car now I jus go in it in an emergency. We are lucky where we live I jus go thru the gate n I have fields n woodland to run in and da farmer only lets a Few of us in there so tis safe.

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Sowwy, got distracted again, anyways at da time of writing dis Shilton has had her leg removed and is now on her recovery journey, she was getting around fine before on 3 legs, there’s a video on the Facebook page , so it’s just a case of her healing , so my new fwend if somebody’s reading this to you , get well soon and send me some pics as soon as you are up and about again.

                                                         Right ,well recently I has lots of people askin about my Itchy bruvfur n how he got his name n why hes itchy.dogs (614)

When we got itchy he was part of an ‘accidental ‘ litter and needed a home asap , he was a lurcher x Doberman so mum n dad knew he was gonna get big but I didn’t so I started teaching him wresting n everyfink from day 1 , didn’t realise he was gonna end up a 52 kil big cuddly teddy bear who still wants to sit on laps. Heres a few cute puppy pics of him.

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When he was bout 3 things changed he started to haf problems wif his ears so he went to the vets and was constantly being treated for ear infections then he started itching a lot and the blamed it on his ears and it was a viscous circle , one day a blood test came back bit different so they did further tests and discovered he had thyroid problems so he was put on daily tablets for that and has to have regular blood test to monitor and his tablets are regularly updated .

Then about 2 years ago he started having fits, of course by the time he was at the vets the fits had stopped so mum had to try and video them , she also got to know the tell tale signs and knew when one was coming . We had to keep records of when they happened and how long they lasted etc but they started happening more frequently and it was getting dangerous when he was coming round from them as he was disorientated and it was scary if he had one outside , then he would  be really out of it for a few hours and in time we built up a record of what sort of fit , how long and there was no pattern to it other than he was sick before hand .

He wasn’t happy, he had always been such a happy dog & so cuddly but as stupid as it sounds he was depressed.  So back to the vets, again it seemed as though he was going there every week,  they thought it might be a brain tumour or epilepsy and needed to investigate. with him already being on medication for his thyroid its always been tricky if he needs medication for anything but with his itching and thyroid  something had to be done. The choices were try him on anti fitting tablets to see if the fits stopped or have an MRI to see if he had a brain tumour after  talking to a few friends who had been through this with their dogs they went with the anti fitting tablets and we are happy to say 2 1/2 years or no fits but he is still itching a lot.

He has had tests to see what he is allergic to and we have now got a list of what he can and cant eat

Woody Can Eat






Goats milk



 Woody cant eat









Our food has been changed so that theres no mistakes and we are now on raw chicky as our main diet, I love it so much that if they dare twy to give me normal dog food, I sit n grunt at my bowl and as soon as I see they haf noticed I turn my back so they know Im not happy , I would rather go hungry than eat ‘normal’ dog food now *whispers* mum says our poo poos is much better now too.

He had his ears deep cleaned recently as they had got so bad but it dint seem to make much difference, sometimes they feel its a never ending circle and that there is no answer for him but for today he’s laying in the sun and happy and not itching.

He also has allergies to dustmites, certain things in the garden, storage thingys and a few other bits so we haf to do all we can to twy n things under control but then he gets a flare up, at the moment hes really itchy so he has to haf socks on to stop him chewin his feet raw, he still gets the odd nibble in and we are waiting for the latest ‘wonder’ anti itching cream to arrive to help him. so that’s why I calls him ITCHY, we rarely call him by his real name . My grumpy bruvfur has picked up on wen mum makes a certain noise itchy is chewing and he growls n barks at him to stop so if mum doesn’t notice he is doing Grumpy bruv is on guard. He is on several tablets a day and its not cheap but he is still with us, he’s happy and he’s not fitting. He has to have blood tests every 3 months and if he needs medication for anything it has to be worked out as they don’t like mixing too many other things with what he’s already on, recently they would of liked to give him steroids but went down another route because of his medication.

There’s sumfink about itchy when he looks at you he really looks at you, some people who haf met him say he’s got an old soul or he’s been here before, Sometimes I say he’s a bit thick but he’s not really he jus lives in his own lickle world.

Next time I will introduce you to Grumpy bruvfur .


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